(The first year studying)

The aim of the course is to teach the students:

- to read and understand texts of various genres, such as: the literature, the press, etc.;

-to use the wide lexical material of different styles and to answer the questions using the  known vocabulary;

-to give knowledge of French grammar: phrase construction, verb tenses, articles, pronouns indirect speech;

-to teach the students not only to understand the sense of French texts but to find adequate lexical and grammatical equivalents in Hebrew.

At the end of every semester there is the exam.

For getting final mark the presence (80%) and the active participation are necessary.


French for advanced students

(The second year studying)

The aim of the course is to extend students knowledge that they've gotten at the course for beginners (I-II semesters):-

- to read and understand texts of various genres, such as: the literature, the press, etc.;

-to use the wide lexical material of different styles and to answer the questions using the  known vocabulary;

-to give knowledge of French grammar: phrase construction, verb tenses, articles, pronouns indirect speech;

-to teach the students not only to understand the sense of French texts but to find adequate lexical and grammatical equivalents in Hebrew.

At the end of every semester there is the exam.

For getting final mark the presence (80%) and the active participation are necessary.

French Beginners: syllabus
French Advanced: syllabus