Ancient Greek
The influence of the Greek language and Greek thought on western culture cannot be overstated. Greek technical terms and genres pervading western thought include logic, physics, ethics, history, tragedy, comedy, and philosophy. Many of the fields were developed in the independent city-state of Athens, especially in the 5-4th centuries B.C.E. Since Athens is situated in an area called Attica, the Athenian dialect is called Attic Greek. This is the Greek of the tragedians Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, of Aristophanes the comedian, of Thucydides the historian, of Socrates and Plato the philosophers, of Demosthenes and Isocrates the orators, and this is also the Greek studied in the two-year course. Earlier dialects (such as those of Homer, Hesiod, and the lyric poets), different contemporary dialects (such as the Ionic of Herodotus), and later dialects (such as the Hellenistic Koinê, or even later Byzantine Greek), may be picked up with relative ease after Attic Greek. Students considering learning both Latin and Ancient Greek would be well advised to do a year of Latin first before beginning Greek. The course is methodical and cumulative, with the exercises into and out of Greek on each new subject also revising earlier material.
Ancient Greek Beginners:
Ancient Greek Advanced
: syllabus
Ancient Greek- Text Reading: